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    «Frake of Bemer», game in development for Atari 8-bits

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    Robert "Dmitry" Dupuy has begun to recreate "Worm of Bemer" from its original BASIC version into assembly language, as well as introducing some improvements.

    The original game, of the typesnake(the classic snake that grows as it consumes objects on the screen), first appeared in the April 1984 issue of Compute magazine. Its author, Stephen B. Fultz, challenged readers to modify it.

    As announced on the AtariAge forum, Dupuy plans to add features such as a routine for saving high scores to disk and different exits for Nerm - the snake protagonist - to move from one screen to another.

    The game also plans to incorporate an animated title screen and changing fonts, as well as introducing a two-player option in competitive and collaborative mode, among others.

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