Atari computer concept art gallery
1 min read

He ISO50 blogbrings together a collection of amazing sketches of Atari computers that never made it to the production line.
These cutting-edge designs include modular, foldable, compact, flat-screen, and even LCD desktop computers.
In 1981, Atari's home computer division began searching for a replacement for its 400/800 line of computers. Of the various systems conceptualized, two projects emerged: one was the A-300, which involved a new series of computers that would work in modular form and be joined together to form a complete system. The second was an evolution of the A-300 project that became the legendary Atari 1200XL.
Most of these illustrations are the work of Regan Cheng, then head of industrial design at the iconic video game company, who generously gave them to the Atari Desktop Conceptsand Atari 1200 & A300 Conceptsfrom the Atari Museum.
Cheng currently owns and operates his own company in California—called Regan Cheng Design—which focuses on video game cabinet design as well as industrial design for the development of consumer products, medical products, and instruments.
With information from Microsiervos and Atari Museum
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