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    «Arsantica 3» demo released for Atari 8-bit | Download

    1 min read

    We share with you the demo "Arsantica 3", which competed in the retrofestival Revision 2016, held from March 25 to 28 in Saarbrücken (Germany).

    At the event, which brought together visitors from 30 countries, the demo for Atari 8-bit computers took fourth place in the list. Old Skool Demo Category, with 782 votes.

    Arsantica is a project by DESIRE!, which brings together Vladimir "Popmilo" Janković, Karolj "Heaven/TQA" Nadj, "Axis" and "Oswald" on programmers; Vincent "Alien" Bijwaard, Erwin "Hammerfist" Roosjen, "BokanoiD" and "S11" on graphics; and Michal "Miker" Szpilowski and Roland "Triace" Voss on music.

    By the way, the demo features a hidden screen made by "Oxyron" and "Axis".

    Arsantica 3 for Atari 8-bit computers

    Download | 130 Kb

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