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    NOMAM Basic Ten-Liners 2015 Competition Launched

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    Gunnar "Bunsen" Kanold published the rules for the fourth edition of the annual competition that seeks the best game programmed with a maximum of ten (10) lines of code in BASIC.

    On this occasion, Kanold decided to honor the phrase“Not Only Marvelous Atari Machinery”Not Just Wonderful Atari Machinery) which gives rise to the event -which will be held in theGerman city of Lübeck on Saturday, April 11

    For 2015, the organizers have decidedextend the callboth in platforms and in "dialects" of BASIC: now productions not only from Atari computers but also fromCommodore 64, Commodore 128 and Schneider CPC

    Likewise, for the Atari 8-bit applications will be accepted inAtari BASIC, Turbo BASIC XL, BASIC Altirra, OSS BASIC XE and OSS BASIC XL

    In addition, the competition has been subdivided intonew categoriesPUR" (each line of code with a maximum of 120 characters); "EXTREME" (each line of code with a maximum of 256 characters); and "LIVE" -During the NOMAM festival, tasks will be assigned that programmers must complete in two (2) hours.

    ThedeadlineThe deadline for submitting work isWednesday, April 8 at 10:00 p.m.(GMT). Interested parties can send them toVoting will take place on the same day of the meeting.

    To date, they have already been presentedThe first five programs, which are displayed on theOfficial website of BASIC Tenliners 2015. ForAtari XL/XEWe have the titles "Chase"by Holger "Rockford" Bommer; "Get!" and "K1nderc0mp"by Chris"atariland2600"Read;"Mini-Breakout" by Adrian Groves; and for Schneider CPC, "Micronoid" by Markus "Devilmarkus" Hohmann.

    It should be remembered that,in 2011, participants had toschedule during the development of the festival; the same thing happenedin 2013, although the games were then presented asa single packagein itretro contest Atari Bit Byter User Club (ABBUC), achieving a creditable ninth place out of 14 applicants.

    In 2014, the competition was opened tocontributions from around the worldThe call was a resounding success:There were 40 productionsin contention, from Australia, the United States, Chile, Poland, England and Germany. Even,a book was publishedwith all the programs and information about their respective authors.

    Finally, last year, the uniqueJump! game by programmer Lyren "Xuel" Brownwas imposed in thecategory "Standard length"lines of code.

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