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    Special feature on Atari 7800 console in Atari User magazine

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    A complete special on the Atari 7800 console and plenty of news from the scenehomebrewThis is what the 28th edition of theAtari User Magazine

    TheAtari 7800(which in the US includes the name "ProSystem") saw the light inMay 1984. It was launched with the promise of providingThe best graphics in video games and/or computers to dateand what would it beCompatible with over 400 Atari 2600 console titles. The product could evenexpand your memoryfrom 4K to 20K and would have the capacity toconnect to different peripherals-like a conventional computer keyboard.

    In theIN-DEV sectionand “Jock” Moresby review theLatest games from the Atarian sceneasDungeon HuntSecretum Labyrinth: Kings GoldThe Great Return of the PenguinsInternational Karate EnhancedandTreasure Island Dizzy; as well as thehardware SIO2PCTOMEKandRAM 320XE/576

    Also noteworthy is theArt Wall section, with a selection of the works that competed in theGraphics category (GFX compo)of theSilly Venture retrofestival 2014

    "You only have to look through the pages of this issue to see that we've had such a good run... Ok, we'd probably have to go back in time to the mid-late eighties... The Atari community is cool," he says.Steve Wilds, editor of Atari User.

    The magazine pays offTribute to Ralph H. Baer, recognized as thefather of home video gamesand who passed away on December 6th. His ideas to bring the action of the arcades to the television screens of homes were realized in 1972, with theMagnavox Odyssey-the world's first video game console.

    Likewise, theNewsdesk sectionbring theLatest news about Atari companylike the launch of the games "Alone In The Dark: Illumination" and "Haunted House: Cryptic Graves"; the virtual casinoAtari Jackpots; and the futureAtari Fit, an application that will offer 150 exercise routines.

    Meanwhile,Kieren Hawkenperforms acomparative analysisof the differentversions of the classic QIX(Taito, 1981); in addition to his usual review of theArcade game conversions for Atari STincluding Millipede, Xevious, Road Runner, Combat and Thrust.

    As if that were not enough, we will find reviews on Alien (Lynx), Anteater (XL/XE), Hole Hunter (2600), Skycopter & Speedster II (Jaguar), Yopaz Ice Star (Jaguar CD) and Frenzy (7800), among other titles. Finally,Atari Userreproduces theAtariteca blog postaboutHow to install Atari800-SDL 3.1.0Latest version of Atari800 emulatoron devices withAndroid operating system

    We thankSteve Wilds, Atari User Editor, for making it easier for usdigital versionfrom the latest issue of the magazine. Those interested cansubscribe and order it through their website you will findSpecial offers and discounts

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