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    New Year Disc 2015 with games and demos for Atari

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    Four games, ten intros/demos and five images is what the ninth edition of New Year Disc 2015 brings us for Atari XL/XE computers.

    The package - made by the German AtarianRalf "PPs" Patschke- bring usfour disk imageswith contributions from Martin “Matosimi” Å imecek, Desire, Michal "Miker" Szpilowski, blowjobb, Pawel "Sikor" Sikorski, Marek "MaPa" Pavlík & ZdenÄ›k "PG" Eisenhammer, Jason “TMR” Kelk & blex, ming, Morons of H.A.R., Christian "Irgendwer" Kruger, Paul & Harvey.

    Regarding the games, it stands outDITCH (Deeper In The Cave, Heli Pilot)where you have one minute to get out of the caveHeli in the Caves

    In addition,Thomas “8Bitjunkie” SchulzpreparedDimo's Quest - New Year Disk 2015 Special Editionwith16 new levelsfrom the game thatwon the ABBUC 2014 retro contest

    On the other hand,SGB ​​(Strickly Gone Bananas)challenges us toMark addresses and press the buttonof the joystick in complicated sequences - those who played the classicBust a Groove by Playstationwill quickly understand the mechanics of the game. And finally,MasterIt, a numerical gamethat will soon have aimproved versionwith graphics and music.

    As for theintros and demos, we have: Xmastree 2014,Quarrion preview(this is a look at the next game “Matosimi” Å imecek is working on), Intro 2015, Happy New Year 2015 (miker), New Year 2k15 intro, NYDS, Comic Squares, Fireworkx (requires a minimum 320XL system), Fireworks 2015 and Inc Year.

    Finally, theannual compilationincludes theimages: 35 year old 1, Happy new year 2015 (miker & sunday), Laglance, New Year and Reg.albums from previous yearscan be downloaded from theStarsoft Berlin website

    New Year Disk 2015 for Atari 8-bit computers

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