New Year Disc 2015 with games and demos for Atari
2 min read

Four games, ten intros/demos and five images is what the ninth edition of New Year Disc 2015 brings us for Atari XL/XE computers.
The package - made by the German AtarianRalf "PPs" Patschke- bring usfour disk imageswith contributions from Martin “Matosimi” Å imecek, Desire, Michal "Miker" Szpilowski, blowjobb, Pawel "Sikor" Sikorski, Marek "MaPa" PavlÃk & ZdenÄ›k "PG" Eisenhammer, Jason “TMR” Kelk & blex, ming, Morons of H.A.R., Christian "Irgendwer" Kruger, Paul & Harvey.

Regarding the games, it stands outDITCH (Deeper In The Cave, Heli Pilot)where you have one minute to get out of the caveHeli in the Caves

In addition,Thomas “8Bitjunkie” SchulzpreparedDimo's Quest - New Year Disk 2015 Special Editionwith16 new levelsfrom the game thatwon the ABBUC 2014 retro contest

On the other hand,SGB (Strickly Gone Bananas)challenges us toMark addresses and press the buttonof the joystick in complicated sequences - those who played the classicBust a Groove by Playstationwill quickly understand the mechanics of the game. And finally,MasterIt, a numerical gamethat will soon have aimproved versionwith graphics and music.

As for theintros and demos, we have: Xmastree 2014,Quarrion preview(this is a look at the next game “Matosimi” Å imecek is working on), Intro 2015, Happy New Year 2015 (miker), New Year 2k15 intro, NYDS, Comic Squares, Fireworkx (requires a minimum 320XL system), Fireworks 2015 and Inc Year.

Finally, theannual compilationincludes theimages: 35 year old 1, Happy new year 2015 (miker & sunday), Laglance, New Year and Reg.albums from previous yearscan be downloaded from theStarsoft Berlin website
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