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    Full version of D.I.T.C.H. for Atari 8-bits

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    Daniel "Creature XL" Pralle published the final version of the game DITCH (Deeper In The Cave, Helipilot) set in the cave ofHeli in the Caves

    The action begins when thepilot gets off the shipandYou have one minute to escape outside; something that would be simple if it weren't for theNumerous traps and pitfalls to avoidFortunately, along the way you cancollect bonusesthat they will give younew movements-like a double jump and the ability to slide- and someovertime

    At the end of last December, Pralle prepared afirst versionof this kind of sequel of the aforementionedshooterfor theNew Year Disc 2015

    However, due to a health problemcould not finish the gamebefore the deadline for sending the works to the German AtarianRalf "PPs" Patschke-who was in charge ofcollect all content

    Apart from Creature XL (code), they participated in thecreation of D.I.T.C.H.: John "Flash" Sommerkorn (graphics) and Bastian "OSONA" Buehrig (music and sound effects).

    D.I.T.C.H. for Atari 8-bit computers

    Download | 38 kB

    It is worth remembering that Creature XL is part ofMorons of HAR(Hannover ABBUC Regionalgruppe), a group of German programmers who debuted with aremarkable conversion ofMighty Jill Off -second place at ABBUC 2011.

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