Ransack! in deluxe presentation
1 min read

Ransack!, third place in the retro contestAtari Bit Byter User Club - ABBUC 2014, is now available in a luxury box under the Powersoft label.
Jose Pereira and Lyren "Xuel" BrownThey developed thisimproved conversionof the singularshooter-originally created forBBC Micro in 1987. The updated version boastsnew music from renowned musician Marek “Poison” Pesoutand some interesting details likePowersoft and PRO© Magazine loading screens; as well asTitle music and stereo sound effects
ThisRANSACK special editioncomes with alarge format box, whose cover was designed exclusively for thefloppy disk release. Buyers will also receive acolor manual, a diskette with printed cover and a link to downloadthe new version.

All thepre-ordersthat are receiveduntil January 3, 2015will getfree a set of pinsfrom Ransack! and Atari. Shipping begins January 6.
Hepackage costis from15 eurosand payments are madevia PayPalto the account:

In addition, they offerdeluxe versionsofCaveblaster+(15 euros) andRolltris/Thetris(18 euros) for any questions you canContact Markusto the mail
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