News from the multitasking GOS in development for Atari
1 min read

A look at the scrolling and sorting of the listings in the control box of the multi-tasking Graphical Operating System (GOS) that Jonathan "flashjazzcat" Halliday is developing for the Atari 8-bit computers.
In the video, we observe how the systemalphabetically reorders the contents by statesleep, idle, ready) andname; as well asnumerically by ID and priority
"The displacement of content"live" (is my term for thecontent offsetof list whilesidebar is dragged) may even be possible," Halliday notes.
In addition, "flashjazzcat" accepted the request of theProdatron userof theAtariAge Forum, and shows us thefull window drag
In this regard, Halliday points out that incontrast with Atari, the redrawing speeds inSymbOS-the operating system that inspired his project- are remarkable, especially considering thebit depthused.
"Take into account that thelist fits entries(instead of allowing arbitrary placement of - for example - the top of the first cut line). This is the way SymbOS works too, and that's why thescroll bar sometimes "snaps"again when released," he notes.
Finally, the authorhas been forcedtopostpone the release of the downloadable demoof his a new onegraphical user interface (GUI)due to a health problem; however, he took advantage of the break tocontinue programming
"In any case, I want to add (read: debug) a couple more thingsbefore uploading some ROMshere, and I'm going to have to send it toPaul "Mr Fish" FisherFirst of all, even though - like most people - you probably have better things to do in the next few days than testing graphical interfaces," he said.
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