Dungeon Hunt digital version for sale
1 min read

Suchas we advanceJames "Jacobus" Wilkinson has released the downloadable file version of his remarkable 3D adventure game "Dungeon Hunt".
The package -acost of USD 5.00- includes: onecustom copy of the game in ATR format; heComplete manual in PDF format; and theeditor program to create your own levels

The author will place thename you want(with a maximum of 18 characters long) in thegame title screen. The file can berecorded on a diskette for any Atari computerwith aminimum 48K-i.e. the 400/800/130 models of the XL/XE series- adisk reader and a joystick
For those who do not have the original hardware, you can also run the file on theemulators for windows Atari800WinPLus, Altirra, Atari800, etc. or even inemulators for android system-asColleenDroid800, etc.

As for the manual, it brings19 pages with detailed explanationson how to useweapons, spellsand even oneFull gallery of the many enemiesthat you will find in thisfirst-person adventure.

Those interested inacquire the gamemustContact Wilkinsonthrough the AtariAge Forumand then they will be able to do thePayment via PayPalto:

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