Zybex for Atari 8-bit computers | Review
21 min read

In «Zybex» (Zeppelin Games, 1988) you play the role of one or two rebels, Rinser and Cassalana, on a suicide mission: to escape from a bizarre cosmic prison known as Death Row.
To regain their freedom and avoid execution, they must traverse the Czokan system, comprised of 16 levels infested with alien enemies.Throughout their escape, they will obtainarmsmore powerful that will allow them to finish off their opponents, including large "bosses" at the end of each level. These will leave youteleportation crystalsthat will take them back home.
The last crystal - the "Zybex crystal"- is so powerful that it will ensure our heroes that their captors will remove the deadly collars they wear around their necks.
Posted by:Zeppelin Games, 1988.Gender:Shoot'em up horizontal scrolling.
Extra:2 players, joystick.
Two playerscan participatesimultaneouslyfrom Zybex. In thetitle screen, you will be able to select theamountof players and theircolors. To do this, move the joystick and place yourself on theiconcorresponding -the one of theleftfora singleplayer and the one from theright, fortwo. Press the fire button to confirm your selection.
Then each player will be able tovary the colorsof their suits, by placing themselves on their corresponding icon (the first player on the left, the second on the right) and pressing thetrigger buttoncontinuously.
The first player starts with themaroon colorand can successively change it to lilac, purple, blue, navy blue, army green, green, marsh green, lead, brown, ochre, grey and ochre. The second player starts with theblue suitand follow the above sequence. By the way,bothYou can use thesame colorin a suit.

Once you have finished choosing the number of players and color,be placedabout the "S" center and press thetrigger buttonto start playing.
During the game, you can put itpauseto the game by pressing the keySelect (F3). Forcontinuethe game, pressStart (F4). If instead you pressOption (F2), you will return to the title screen.
One of the unique features of Zybex is itspower-ups system. By eliminating certain enemies, you will receive special weapons to complete your mission. By takingmore iconsof a certain weapon, you will be able toincreasehispowerup to a maximum offour levelsof shooting.
Unlike othersshot 'emup similar, here you will not lose all your weaponsupon dying, but ratheryou just reduceyour firepowera levelon the current weapon. In the worst case, the weapon is removed from the list if it was at level 1 - that is, earned weapons can be gradually lost.only exceptionthe rule is with theOrbit, weapon with which you start the game and do not lose throughout the game.
You will quickly notice that theshotsareautomatic. HebuttonShooting is used forchange weapons. The weapon in use flashes.

Thefive weaponsAvailable, in order on the game screen, are:Orbit, 8 way, Rail Gun, PulseandWall
Orbit: The shots are being firedmore continuousuntil level 4, where it becomes avolley of bullets. Besides,two small satelliteswill circle around you. Even if you go up and down, the shots will arc, forming "waves" up and down. A fact: The Orbit's shots speed up if you approach from the right.

8-way: starts withtwo vertical shots; at level 2, it goes up to four shots (horizontal and vertical); then, it goes to six (add two diagonals to the front); and finally, at level 4, it iseight shots. Repeats as you hit your enemies.

Rail Gun: it's ahorizontal solid raythat passes through your enemies and grows longer as you add icons. It doesn't disappear until you leave the screen. Personally, I find it especiallyusefulto end thelevel enemies

Press: Ashort vertical barrier, which increases todiagonal shots. It repeats as it hits your opponents.

Wall: thevertical versionof the Rail Gun. Asolid barrierwhich increases in size and does not disappear until it hits your enemies or dissipates off-screen. Like the Orbit, shots become faster if you stick to the right.

By the way, the top part shows the weapons of the first player; at the bottom, those of the second.
As in other games of its kind, memorizing attack patterns is crucial in Zybex. The gamestartsat the levelArcturusand you always start each level with the Orbit at the ready.Thefirst 12 levelsThey are open immediately and once the first one is finished, you have thefreedom to choosethe next. That allows you to define a strategy of which levels are easier to get extra weapons and lives. Once you have thecomplete, you can tempt thefinal levelsof the game - from 13 to 16.
1. Arcturus: Almost a practice level, without any major obstacles. It doesn't have a "boss" level. It allows you to collect almost all the weapons, especially Orbit.

2. Beros: Features asteroids as obstacles. The final boss is a snake-headed creature that sits on the right side of the screen and shoots several groups of projectiles at you as it goes up and down. Some of its bullets also shoot diagonally. It is definitely the most repeated enemy in the game.

3. Centaurus: The obstacles are long stalactites. The final enemy is another kind of reptile head, but it goes up, down, forwards and backwards while shooting at you.

4. Rictus: This level has a unique design, reminiscent of the Egyptian pyramids. At the end of the level you will face a tiger head, which goes up, down, forwards and backwards while shooting at you.

5. Skorpius: This level appears almost empty, but your enemies move quite fast. The final boss is the same as in level 2.

6. Titan: It has blue triangular designs, like crystals, at the top and bottom of the screen. The final boss is the same as the one in level 2.

7. Antares: It has a unique design, a very attractive golden color. The final boss is the same as the one in level 3.

8. Baeus: It has obstacles that are a mix of asteroids and stalactites. The final enemy is a kind of undulating caterpillar that is located on the right of the screen and that shoots at you while going up and down.

9. Procyon: Similar design to level 7, but in green. The final boss is the same as level 2.

10. Necros: It has a unique design, very complicated and even splits the screen horizontally. The final enemy is the same as in level 4.

11. Enceladus: Its appearance is similar to that of the first level, with more asteroids. The final boss is the same as that of level 2.

12. Devils: It includes some asteroids as obstacles and, like Arcturus, it also has no final enemy.

The detail: Throughout the game you will see that they ask youthree (3) tokens(crystals are supposed) to enter levels 13 to 16. However, thesenewlyThey will be available when you havefinishedthe previous 12.

The names of the hidden levels only begin to be revealed when you havefilledThe first onesnine(9)levelsof the game.

13. Piryx: The initial appearance is like that of level 1, but then it becomes more complicated until it resembles level 10. There are two (2) semi-bosses that are difficult to eliminate; in addition, before finishing you must defeat a pre-boss similar to the final enemy of level 8. Finally, the final enemy is the same as that of level 4.

14. Zelax: Empty level, no obstacles. The final enemy is a kind of snail protected by a shield.

15. Cyrux: Similar in design to Antares, but in purple. They have one of Piryx's unfriendly semibosses. Then, you face the final enemy of level 8. Finally, you have to defeat a final boss just like the one in level 2. By the way, this is the only one in the entire game that doesn't drop bonus tokens or weapons, only the level crystal.

16. Zybex: Complicated layout, similar to level 10. There is even a long section where the screen is divided horizontally. Shortly after starting, you must defeat an enemy similar to the one at the end of level 2. The final boss is a dragon head, which goes up and down and shoots diagonally.

It is not our intention to make ataxonomydetailed of the enemies you will face in Zybex, as the task is paintedextremely cumbersome. However, as a tribute to the game, we will have to identify some of themost recurring opponentsand endearing characters of this intergalactic adventure. The names, by the way, are not official; they are merely referential.3 Croissants: Three enemies in the form of the well-known loaves of bread that go up and down in a coordinated manner.

Accelerator: A sort of horizontal barrier that crosses the screen very quickly. Some include vertical shots.

Circle: A group of six enemies grouped in a circular shape, rotating together across the screen.

Appearing circle: As you shoot it, parts of the circle appear, until they explode. It requires several shots to completely destroy it.

Crusaders: Two groups of six enemies grouped horizontally that intersect diagonally across the middle of the screen.

Kamikazes: A fleet of enemies that come straight to you. It is recommended to use the Orbit and change position on the screen, because even if you destroy the first ones, the ones that follow will try to crash directly into you.

Missiles: Groups of rockets that cross the right side of the screen diagonally, both from above and below. They are found in some levels such as Beros and Titan.

Combs: Vertical barriers that pass by at an accelerated pace. Some fire horizontal shots and others even vertical shots as you pass through them.

Rotting wall: A vertical barrier that requires several shots to rotate. When the rotation is complete, the section explodes and allows you to pass through. However, these blocks will continue to fire until you destroy them.

Round spinning barrier: Group of six enemies that rotate in a circular pattern across the screen.

Semi-bosses: A group of six enemies that moves as one vertically and diagonally across the screen. Very elusive, they often shoot and even pounce on your character. They appear in the final levels of the game.

Vertical snake: Six enemies grouped vertically that shoot while moving in an undulating manner. It is recommended to destroy one of the parts and then finish off the rest using the 8-Way.

Slinky: A group of six enemies that appear bouncing diagonally across the screen. Their parts shoot out horizontally and vertically.

Worm: Enemies grouped in a tight manner, advance in a staggered manner across the screen while shooting.

A fact: You will not beattackedby a new enemy wave until you havefinishedofcollectyour weapons, lives and/or bonus tokens; or that they go off-screen.
Theclasheswith the "bosses" -they call themcommandshipin the original manual - usually involve the task ofevade multiple shotsfrom different positions on the screen. Usually, even with level four weapons, finishing off a boss can takeseveral minutes
Remember that you can not only lose lives from enemy attacks, but also fromcrashwith certainobstaclesand structures on the screen.
Obstacles such asasteroids and stalactites, as well as theshots from your opponentsNOcan bedestroyed. You have to avoid them. Collisions with the scenery occur until you pick up the level's crystal - you can die from crashing even before you pick it up!

Killa singleenemy gives you50 pointsof score. The same,destroy every partof a compound enemy sum50 points. However, you will receive600 pointsof score for killing afinal bosslevel.
Thebonus tokens-be careful not to confuse with crystals-add up at the endof each phase. Each one will give you100 pointsin the score. If you die before finishing the level, you lose the bonus tokens you have collected; only those you have at the time of taking the final level crystal will be counted.

Of course, neither taking weapons, bonuses or crystals give points. Apart from that, theextra livesappearevery 10 thousand points. You can add a maximum ofnine (9) lives


Once you finish - or lose - the game, you will have the chance toenter your initialswith the score obtained in theHall of Famefrom Zybex. Move the joystickup or downTo change letters, press once on thetrigger buttonto mark each selection and continue to the next letter.

- Try to stay on the left half of the screen. This gives you a better chance of taking out a horde of enemies, although it does make you vulnerable to certain attacks from behind.- Once you lose a life, use your seconds of invincibility - while the figure flashes - to collect tokens and weapons. The same thing happens as soon as you start a level.
- Always shoot at the center of the bosses; they are not vulnerable anywhere else. I have even tested in certain scenarios that with the 8-way you can't destroy them from the rear either.

- Keep in mind that you are not forced to complete the levels in order.
- When you think you are going to die, it is suggested to switch to the worst weapon (the Rail Gun)
- Remember that when you start a new level, you start with the Orbit activated.
Searching the web for a version ofZybex Unlimited Lives, I only found one really effective. It is aloaderfor the game, published in issue No. 5 of theStak magazine(Chile, 1992) and programmed byBill YesterdayandNestor MercadoFirst step: You can download the loader from this address
Load the program as if it were a game.

Then, once on the main screen, use the"+" keyto change the selection toCARZYBEXBAS. Once that is done, press the keyEnter
You will be shown the following screen: This is the charger itself. Press the"S" keyto activate infinite lives. Then,Press "D"to load from diskette (in the emulator).

At this point, we must prepare theloading game. Let's go to the route:File -> Attach disk -> Drive 1

Once the game file is selected, press the keyStart (F4)

We wait a few seconds and... ready! We now have Zybex with infinite lives. By the way, thetrickIt also benefits thesecond player
Special mention deserves the unforgettable intro tune of the game, the work of Adam Gilmore. And as a final note, we can only say that it is one of the first titles published by Zeppelin Games (England). The game was originally sold tobargain pricefrom 2.99 pounds.

Thanks to your tips, I now have Ninja's music in mp3 format. Do you remember that awesome game?