Game Over Tune in Alternate Reality
1 min read

This melody will surely bring back memories for many. It is the tune that marked the death of our character in Alternate Reality, a masterpiece by Philip Price together with music by Gary Gilbertson and graphics by Craig Skinner.
From a technical standpoint, Gilbertson took advantage of the four music channels available on the Atari. However, what's most unique about this song is that - like most of the game - it had lyrics, which were even synchronized with the music:
now that you're gone
some will grieve
on on and on
I know you'll be
back again
maybe next time
will be the time you

As an aside, both Price and Gilbertson worked on Alternate Reality from Hawaii, under the name of Paradise Programming. Finally, in 1985 They needed the support ofDatasoft to publish the game -which ultimately did not yield them more profits than someadvance payments
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