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    Zybex Intro

    0 min read

    This morning, we noticed that we were missing in the section's repertoirevideosone of the most famous 8-bit melodies.

    To correct such an omission, I comply with publishing the introduction ofZybex, (Zeppelin Games, 1988) product of the Adam Gilmore fandom, responsible for great tunes like those ofDraconusand Ninja Commando. Served.

    A question: where can I download these songs in mp3? I have searched and searched and searched everywhere but I can't find them.
    I would appreciate it if you could help me...
    If you're only interested in the tunes, I recommend Googling the Atari SAP Music Archive, where you can download over two thousand tracks in SAP format.

    I don't see any way to convert them directly to MP3 though. In my case, I use an audio editing program. Your comment encourages me to write the corresponding guide.
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