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    Hidden credits in Ballblazer

    1 min read

    Surfing the net, we found thiseaster eggofBallblazer(Lucasfilm Games, 1987), which we actually found quite challenging.

    Yeahdesirea game beforeone minute, theinitialsfrom the creators of thegame-David Levine (DL)and Peter Langston (PSL)- will appear in thelower right cornerfrom the screen of thewinner, but only in theright sidefrom the playing field.

    Another one: during theintroof the game, as texts appear and disappear,typethe wordAUTHORand you will get thereal creditsfrom Ballblazer.

    “Concept, Graphics, Dynamics, and Control Structures.. DAVID LEVINE. Music, Sound Effects, Rules, and Droid Strategies.. PETER LANGSTON”


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